To access the template select Auto-Consultation > ardens CONDITIONS MENTAL HEALTH select Autistic Spectrum Disorder
If the patient has a current diagnosis, the template can be accessed by clicking the Autistic Spectrum Disorder icon within the demographics box under patients name & address.
To save this template as a favourite add to F12 favourites for quick access.
The template has the following tabs available; Home, Diagnosis, Review, Referral, and Resources.
The Home tab displays a summary of relevant patient medical history and any outstanding work relating to contracts/payment. Please see our Home Page Support Guide for more information.
The Diagnosis tab has drop downs to record any consistently present behaviours. Relevant Diagnosis code can also be added from the Diagnosis drop down.
The Review Tab is split between three sections Assessment, Impression and Management.
Below the History/Examination free text fields you can enter a number of different coded entries for BP, AQ-10 Score, Behaviour, Learning Difficulties etc.
Alongside each of these is a direct link to a corresponding template allowing you to capture additional information or access other useful tools.
- Next to BP is a link to Vitals & Lifestyle to capture any other vitals such as Height/Weight etc. or record any lifestyle factors such as smoking/alcohol
- Next to the Behaviour drop down there is a link to the Challenging Behaviour formulary to prescribe medication
- Next to Mood is a link to Depression Screening which contains PHQ questionnaires
All of these are useful so you do not need to exit the current template and open another.
This is the same for Investigations:
Phlebotomy - allows you to view recent blood test results and also add a new request through Electronic Pathology Request (ICE/T-Quest etc.)
The Impression section allows you to select the relevant code for patients current condition.
As above all of the coded drop down fields have a link to other relevant templates to the right such as Med3 & Letters if you need to generate or view Med3 certificates. This template also allows you to view scanned patient letters.
Care Team & Relationships you can view any existing carer/NOK information or update any new relationships.
There are also other templates available such as Safeguarding and Future Care Planning to update any DNACPR or decisions around future care and also generate a Care Plan.
The Referral tab provides criteria for referral.
If using Ardens Pro package, relevant referral forms may be available within the Orange Arrow icon which appears in the Patient Demographics box. For more detail please click here.
Contains links with information that can be sent to a patient via SMS/email by copying & pasting the link into Send Message.
There is also a Mental Wellbeing Leaflet available as a Word document.
There is a register for those coded with Autistic Spectrum Disorder within Reporting > Clinical Reporting > click on the Ardens Ltd folder:
Conditions | Mental Health > Registers
For prescribing reports go to:
Prescribing > Alerts | Mental Health and also Monitoring | Mental Health