This template is based on the latest NICE guidance to help guide correct management and antibiotic treatment choices for community acquired pneumonia. 

The template can be located in the following ways:

  • Auto Consultation > ardens CONDITIONS INFECTIONS > Pneumonia - Child
  • Use the bottom left search bar in SystmOne
  • Via the General Consultations template (Respiratory tab)

If using on a regular basis, save to F12 favourites for quick access.

The template is split across separate tabs along the top or hyperlinks within the home page, this allows you to navigate to the appropriate section.


The home page provides a view showing Allergies & Sensitivities, relevant medications, history of infections and microbiology results.  You can also document the encounter type and seen by codes for other professional roles.


You'll notice the options within the Management section at the bottom of the template are initially 'greyed out'.  The appropriate management and advice will be highlighted once you've ticked the relevant box in the Impression section.

Assessment allows you to record any cough, breathlessness or fever.  

The History, Examination and Complications/Risks free text boxes have presets available alongside to save a bit of typing and list red flags.

Click on the preset button (notepad icon) and add 1 or multiple lines of text by pressing & holding Ctrl on the keyboard and using mouse to select. The text can be edited once added to the template.

Clicking in to any of the Vitals fields will display coded historical results in the yellow pane to the right side of the template.  Manually type the new result into the appropriate box.

If you suspect the patient may be at risk of Sepsis, the Child Examination template to calculate risk is located just below the Vitals fields where you can select from NEWS2 scoring, NICE & SIRS guidance.  Risk of Serious Illness in Under 5s & Feverish Child are also available to use.


One of the boxes must be ticked to activate the Management guidance greyed out below. 


Allows you to quickly document advice given and provides the appropriate links for any further action taken such as prescribing, information on OTC medication & any referral.


Click the Formulary hyperlink or the tab along the top to prescribe medication.

TIP: To return to the previous page, use the tabs along the top of the template.  Clicking Ok will close the template.

OTC Medication

This template simply lists medication that can be purchased over the counter and has PIL available both as a Word document at the top and hyperlink at the bottom.  Click the hyperlink and once the web page is displayed, copy the URL and send as text/email to the patient.

The Follow-Up template shows any pending appointments/visits, outstanding tasks, SystmOne recalls etc. There is a link to the Appointment Ledger, creating a task etc. if needing to arrange a follow-up appointment.

Follow-up (tab on template)

The Follow-Up tab allows you to record detail of any follow-up consultation.  The layout of the page follows the same format as the Acute section and allows you to add any change since the initial consultation and appropriate guidance on managing their present condition.

Again you'll need to tick a box in the Impression section to activate the appropriate Management currently greyed out below.

ReferralProvides guidance and criteria for when a patient should be referred either as emergency admission or further investigation.


The Resources tab contains useful website links with information that can be sent to a caregivers via text/email by copying & pasting the link in to Send Message.