Last review date 03/02/2023

To find the travel consultation template, open auto-consultations > ardens IMMS and INJECTIONS > Travel Imms

Consider attaching this template to F12 favourites for easier access.

The template is split into 4 main tabs; Consultation, Immunisations, Malaria and Resources 


Travel Details: Print a blank travel questionnaire if required or type in the travel details.  You will find presets that may help add the patient's information

Management:  There are various advice checkboxes to record easily that advice has been given. Don't forget the pencil opens up to elaborate further on the advice you have given.

Information from - click the links to access information from NATHNAC, TRAVAX etc and tick the box to show that a particular information website has been used.

Immunisations - read code up to date, not up to date, imms recommended etc.  Also use the blue link on the right to navigate to the vaccination tab.

Malaria - read code malaria advice, use the blue link on the right to navigate to the Malaria tab.

Travel record card/leaflet - print out a travel record for the patient to take with them or an information leaflet.


Read code of the patient is covered or advised to have a particular vaccine 

The red asterix shows where a private fee is payable.

You can record if the patient was fit, had advice, had a leaflet or the injection was given under PSD/PGD.


Administer vaccinations in the usual way using the vaccination button.

Record follow-up information such as adding recalls, making appointments and sending tasks.


Recommend and/or prescribe malaria medication 


Access telephone numbers and websites for further information.


Don't forget to ok the template and save the record when finished.

Note: If you need any help please click help & feedback at the top right hand corner of the template and click contact us if you wish to fill in the online form for help.