Last review date 03/02/2023
1. Private & Safeguarding Events
What is a 'Private Event'?
An event that is only seen at your GP Practice & hidden from other organisations (as well as the patients SCR).
What is a 'Safeguarding Relevant' event?
An event that is only seen by staff with Safeguarding Access Rights.
Marking an event as 'Safeguarding Relevant' will also prevent the patient from seeing this in their online record. Although possible there is no need to also mark the event as 'Do not show in the online record'.
Please note the other following implications of marking an event as 'Safegaurding Relevant' -
To do this:
From the Template: Click ‘Other Details’ or ‘Change Privacy’ if available on a template.
If change privacy isn't available on a template click on Other Details at the top of the template:
Once clicked you can change the privacy setting under the visibility section as below:
From the Tabbed Journal; highlight the events you wish to change the privacy for (holding the Ctrl key will allow you to highlight more) and select the ‘Hand Icon’.
2. Patient Online Events
You can mark an event so that it is hidden from the patient on their online record.
To do this:
From the Tabbed Journal: Click the 'Online Icon'.
You will be prompted to record some notes to support your decision.
From any template: Click on the 'Other Details' button. Then on this screen at the very bottom you can any of the privacy and safeguarding settings but there is also a tick box 'Visible in the online record' which by default is ticked. Removing the tick here is the same as.
You will get the same prompt to record some notes to support your decision.