Last review date 03/02/2023

Ardens is a partner of the Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB). The PRSB are involved with the SCCI1580 which is a standard that specifies the core content to be held in electronic palliative care coordination systems (EPaCCS). 

Awareness has been raised that a SCCI1580 non-compliant CPR resuscitation status exists that could be recorded, meaning that the resuscitation status may not have been visible in 'EPaCCS'. 

The codes affected by this are; 

  • For resuscitation Xa9tS [304252001]
  • Not for resuscitation Xa9tT [304253006]

Two new reports have been added that will allow you to find patients coded with either of the above non-compliant codes and if appropriate the compliant version of the code should be added. 

The two compliant codes are as follows and can be seen in the report names; 

  • For attempted cardiopulmonary resuscitation XaZVX [450475007]
  • Not for attempted CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) XaZ9c [450476008]

The reports can be found in 'Conditions I Frailty and End of Life > Alerts'. 

There are two popup protocols in place that will prompt users if a non-compliant code has been added.