The quickest way to access the template on a patient with a diagnosis code is to click the Bipolar Disorder icon on the demographics box below the patients name and address.  Alternatively, go to Auto-Consultation > ardens CONDITIONS MENTAL HEALTH> Bipolar.

The Bipolar Disorder template can also be accessed from the 'Long Term Conditions' template as part of the LTC Resources on Ardens.

The Bipolar Disorder template is made up of 9 tabs: Home, Diagnosis, Review - Mental Health, Review - Physical Health, Relapse, Remission, Referral, Notes and Resources.

Home Tab

The home page shows a summary of relevant medical history for the patient. This includes diagnosis codes, recent numerics, lifestyle information and care plans. Further down, any drug monitoring alerts and relevant medication summary. Click on the  Home Tab Support Article for more details.

Diagnosis Tab

The Diagnosis Tab has the different symptoms available to tick if applicable along with an explanation of each.  The Diagnosis code is also available at the bottom.

Review - Mental Health 

The Review - Mental Health tab is split into 3 sections; Review, Impression and Management.

Review - Ensure the relevant 'Review' code is added at the top of the template - these codes will allow you to audit how many patients have had their SMI health check or declined/DNA. You can also record who the patient was 'seen by' and if under the care of any other mental health services.

The Assessment option will allow you to record any free text assessment along with tick boxes to record any risks the patient may have along with recording self-harm, suicide risk, safeguarding, mood and memory information.  

Note: There are buttons on the right hand side to help identify and support risk, and identify scores including: 

  • There is a Safety Care Plan which can be completed and given to a patient to identify any triggers, allows you to add details of people they could contact for help and also lists other useful services.
  • The Mood and Memory section give links to the screening templates where you can access scores such as PHQ9 or 6CIT.

Impression - Allows you to code the patients condition and there is a link to the Mental Health Act template which gives guidance to the different sections and relevant documentation.

Management - This section allows you to add any free text in the Plan and Crisis Plan boxes.  You can also record any codes for signposting or referral to IAPT - the link to the right of this is a Wellbeing Leaflet listing local services in your area (must be using Ardens Plus or Pro package) as well as national services.

Medication review codes can be added along with links to the Ardens formularies for prescribing, along with access to Social Prescribing referral/signposting codes and templates if required. Care Plan codes can also a Care Plan can be generated by clicking the button to the right.


Note: The Care Plan can be auto populated with information you have added into the template, however before opening the care plan you will need to click 'OK' on the template or Suspend. Once you have reopened the template the care plan will be populated with the currents additions you have made to the template.


Review - Physical Health tab

This tab is split into 3 sections; Review, Risk and Management.

Review - The Review code is available at the top of the template - these codes will allow you to audit how many patients have had their health check or declined/DNA.

To complete the Physical Health check, the Review section allows you to add any necessary codes from the drop down lists along with links to other templates if necessary.

Risk - The CVD Risk can be recorded in this section along with links to the QRISK2 template and CVD Review if required.

Management - Immunisations, Medication Reviews and Care Plans can be recorded in this section. 

Relapse Tab

This tab allows you to record any relapse information including an assessment risk, safeguarding and misuse codes.  The Relapse condition, the Management moving forward along with useful care plans, medication reviews and leaflets.

Remission Tab

The tab covers the bipolar remission criteria with tick boxes allowing you to add any of these along with the remission codes.

Referral Tab

This tab covers the referral criteria including the separation of Urgent Referral criteria.

Notes Tab

This tab will allow you to type any free text information regarding the patient following History, Examination and Plan.

Resources Tab

This tab contains useful resources that can be shared with the patient along with the ability to either text or email the patient any resources.

Clinical Reporting

Reports are available for all of the components of the SMI review. These can be found in 'Clinical Reporting > Ardens > Contracts | 2023 24 | SMI HC

Data Extraction  

To easily submit your data to your CCG or NHSE:

  • Select all reports in the 'Q* 2023 24' folder and run all
  • Right click on any of the reports
  • Select 'Tables > Open as CSV'
  • Save it to a suitable location

Work to Do

'Work to do' reports are available in 'Clinical Reporting > Ardens > Contracts | 2023 24 | SMI HC > Q* 2023 24 Work to do'.  These reports cover the 6 measurements or data capture requirements in Part 2 of the health check core standards.