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The eligible groups for the COVID-19 Spring Booster 2025 are as follows:

A reminder that clinical judgement and decision-making that concludes whether a patient should be vaccinated always surpasses the judgement of report outcomes. 

1. Patient Status Alert

There is a patient status alert to indicate eligibility for a COVID-19 vaccination. Eligible patients will have this icon under their name and clicking on this will open the COVID Vaccination template.  

- Consider COVID-19 Vaccination: Spring 2025

NOTE : The Patient Status Alerts are a really helpful and important prompt of a patient's eligibility, particularly if a patient is attending for one vaccination and it is clear to the clinician vaccinating they are eligible for the other too. This is always clearly shown on the patient's home screen as below.

2. Vaccination Template

The COVID-19 vaccination template has the following; 

  • A view to show vaccination eligibility and previous vaccination history
  • An assessment questionnaire
  • An electronic PSD and paper PSD
  • Data entry options to record codes including invitations, contraindications, refusals and consent
  • A resources page with links to various useful websites

Most practices will still utilise Pinnacle for recording the vaccine administration - however, there is a link to the SystmOne POC template if your organisation is configured for this. Instructions on how to set this up via TPP are on the bottom of the template.

The assessment questionnaire can also be completed by patients themselves on either Airmid or SystmOnline, or through the Communications Annexe

To configure this for Airmid, go to 'Setup > Data Entry > Questionnaires'. Find the 'COVID-19 Vaccination Assessment Questionnaire'. Then right-click and copy this questionnaire, click ok and then right-click > publish to 'Patient Apps User' group. This will then appear as a survey for the patient to complete.

3. Clinical Reports - Spring 2025

All of the COVID vaccination reports can be found by going to 'Reporting > Clinical Reporting > Arden's Ltd > Vaccinations'.

3.1 Ordering and clinic planning

There are a set of reports for ordering and planning clinics which can be found in 'Reporting > Clinical Reporting > Arden's Ltd > Vaccinations > C19 I Spring 2025 I 01 For ordering and planning' These will give practices an indication of how many vaccines are required. The eligible figures will give you the number of patient's you have left to vaccinate if your practice need to do a top-up order.

3.2 Review Before  

Go to 'Reporting > Clinical Reporting > Arden's Ltd >  Vaccinations > C19 I Spring 2025 I 02 Review before'.

We recommend practices review this folder prior to sending any COVID vaccine invitations to ensure patients are appearing in the correct cohort, eligible and invitation lists. Where applicable only patients not already in any of the other eligible groups will be found in these reports. The title of each report will make it clear the information that needs to be checked.

Following the MHRA Guidance, patients with a history of anaphylaxis or an anaphylactoid reaction, or patients who have had an adrenaline auto-injector issued ever were originally excluded from the eligibility and invitation reports but are now included. Further reporting changes will be made should the guidance change. However, there is still a report to identify these patients under  'For review before | ?Review as anaphylaxis or anaphylactoid reaction or adrenaline autoinjector issued'. 

3.3 Cohorts

Go to 'Reporting > Clinical Reporting > Arden's Ltd > Vaccinations > C19 I Spring 2025 | 03 Cohorts'

The cohort reports will show patients who match the requirements of the latest guidance. The cohort numbers will not reduce when vaccinations are given and have no exclusions applied to them, for example, patients who decline the vaccine will remain in the cohort reports. These reports should therefore not be used for invitations. 

In the Cohorts | Other folder there are additional groups for monitoring purposes.

3.4 Eligible

Go to 'Reporting > Clinical Reporting > Arden's Ltd >  Vaccinations > C19 I Spring 2025 | 04 Eligible'

These reports are based on the cohort reports but have exclusions applied to them, such as, removing patients who have declined having a vaccine. They will also remove patients once they have had a vaccine recorded. Here you will find a useful breakdown of all of your eligible patients by age group etc. The eligible reports should not be used for invitations.

3.5 Invites

3.5.1 Invites | All

Go to 'Reporting > Clinical Reporting > Ardens >  Vaccinations > C19 I Spring 2025 | 05 Invites | All'

These reports look at all eligible patients and then divide them up by invite method to make it easier for practices to invite them efficiently. Once a patient has their Covid vaccination, or declines, they fall off these searches.

This also works off a 3 invite process, so patients sent their 1st Invitation and coded with the invite code will then move into the 2nd Invitation searches after 2 weeks if they have not had their Covid vaccination. The same applies again for moving them into the 3rd Invitation searches.

The 1st/2nd/3rd Invitation searches are broken down as follows:

  • All

    This is all patients eligible for a Covid vaccination, regardless of age, preferred contact method or any reasonable adjustment.

  • Consider method as <16y

    This is all eligible patients who are under the age of 16. This allows practices to manage and decide how they want to invite these patients in for their Covid vaccination.

  • Consider method as LD/Dementia/SMI/EoL/Reasonable adjustments (Use report output)

    Patients included in this report will be eligible but also would have been coded with any of the following diagnoses - End of Life, Dementia, Learning Disability or having a Reasonable Adjustment. Therefore by using this report practices can manage these patients individually and decide how they should be invited as appropriate to their personal requirements.

    To help with this, and to view which of these groups these patients fall into and what necessary reasonable adjustments need to be made, a report output has been created for practices to use.

    Run the report and then Right Click > Show Patients
    Use the 'Select Output' option above the patient list to select 'Pre-defined report output' and then select the report output called 'Consider Invite Method - LD/SMI/Dementia/EOL/RA'.
    This will then allow practices to work through the list individually and decide how best to contact and/or approach each patient about their Covid vaccination using the information displayed. There may be some patients you wish to contact in bulk from this list, and this can be actioned as normal.

NOTE: This report excludes all eligible patients under 16.

  • Electronic/Communications Annexe (SMS/email/airmid/unknown)

    Any eligible patient that has a preferred contact method of SMS, email, airmid or unknown will appear in this search. This means practices can send invites in bulk to these patients by using the Communications Annexe and then choosing the 'use preferred contact method' option. Practices could also use AccurX or any other 3rd party system to bulk send these as well.

    To use the Communications Annexe in bulk, run the report and then choose 'Show Patients'. The relevant patients need to be highlighted, and then Right Click > Actions > Use Communications Annexe 
    The following window will open, which will allow users to tick the 'Use preferred contact method' tick box highlighted. Then the relevant invite message can be written or selected from a list of local presets. When the message is ready, just press 'Send' and this will send it to all the patients that were highlighted in the report.

    This bulk action can also be done from the report name, without having to actually 'Show Patients'. Once the report has run, simply Right Click > Actions > Use Communications Annexe on the name of the report.

    (For more information on using the Communications Annexe and Presets please see this support article)

    NOTE: This report excludes patients in both the Consider method as <16y and Consider method as EOL/Dementia/LD/Reasonable Adjustment (Use report output) reports.

  • Letter

    Any patient whose preferred contact method is Letter will appear in this search. This means practices can bulk send a letter to these patients to invite them.

    To do this, run the report and then choose 'Show Patients'. The relevant patients need to be highlighted, and then Right Click > Actions > Print Integrated Word Letters
    This bulk action can also be done from the report name, without having to actually 'Show Patients'. Once the report has run, simply Right Click > Actions > Print Integrated Word Letters on the name of the report.

    NOTE: This report excludes patients in both the Consider method as <16y and Consider method as EOL/Dementia/LD/Reasonable Adjustment (Use report output) reports.

  • No communication

    Patients in this report will have a preferred contact method of 'No Communication'. Practices can decide what they want to do with these patients with regards to inviting them in.

    NOTE: This report excludes patients in both the Consider method as <16y and Consider method as EOL/Dementia/LD/Reasonable Adjustment (Use report output) reports.

3.5.2 Adding The Invite Code

Once any of the invite processes listed above are sent, it is important to code each patient with the correct invite code to take them off the 1st Invitation searches and eventually move then onto the 2nd Invitation searches. 

This can be easily done in bulk. From any of the searches listed above, once the relevant patients have been sent their invite, another bulk action needs to be performed against these patients. Simply Right Click > Actions > Add Read Code

The following window will then open:

By clicking on the Icon next to 'Read Code' the code browser will open and any read code or Snomed code can be searched for and selected.

Then choose the date of the code (if backdating it) and click OK to bulk add this to all patients in bulk:

Once this code has been added, when the 1st invite reports mentioned above are re-run the next working day, any patient that has had that code added to their record will no longer show up on the 1st Invite searches, as they have now already been invited.

The reports built will look at any of the following invite codes, so practices can choose the most appropriate code to add depending on the invite sent:

DescriptionSnomed Code Read Code
1st Invite Codes
SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) vaccination invitation first email
SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) vaccination invitation first letter
SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) vaccination invitation first short message service text message
SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) vaccination first telephone invitation
2nd Invite Codes
SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) vaccination invitation second email
SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) vaccination invitation second letter
SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) vaccination invitation second short message service text message
SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) vaccination second telephone invitation
3rd invite Codes
SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) vaccination invitation third email1403131000000105
SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) vaccination invitation third letter1403091000000107Y3bd0
SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) vaccination invitation third short message service text message1403061000000101Y3bd3
SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) vaccination third telephone invitation1402961000000105Y3bd6

3.5.3 Invites I Groups

Go to 'Reporting > Clinical Reporting > Arden's Ltd >  Vaccinations > C19 I Spring | 05 Invites | Groups'.

Rather than using the invites mentioned in 3.5.1, practices may wish to invite by the vaccination type required, and therefore these searches could be used instead. The adding of the invite code and the 1st/2nd/3rd process is the same.

3.6 Visits

Go to 'Reporting > Clinical Reporting > Arden's Ltd >  Vaccinations > C19 I Spring | 06 Visits'. 

These searches allow practices to identify any patients who are coded as being a Care Home Resident and/or Housebound. Practices can then use these lists to organise visits to make sure these patients have their Covid vaccinations.

  • Care Home Resident - All

    This search will include all patients coded as living in a Care Home, whether they have a code of Housebound or not.

  • Care Home Resident - Housebound

    This search will only include patients coded as living in a Care Home and having a code to say they are Housebound.

  • Care Home Resident - Not housebound

    This search will only include patients coded as living in a Care Home but are not coded as Housebound.

  • Housebound (not care home resident)

    This search will include any eligible patient coded as Housebound but not coded as living in a Care Home.

NOTE: None of these patients are included in the 'Invite' searches listed above.

3.7 Review After

Go to 'Reporting > Clinical Reporting > Arden's Ltd > Vaccinations > C19 | Spring 2025 | 07 Review After'.

The report here will allow you to identify any eligible patient that has had 3 invites but not yet had their Covid Vaccinations. Practices can chase and contact these patients as appropriate.

3.8 Activity

Go to 'Reporting > Clinical Reporting > Arden's Ltd >  Vaccinations > C19 I Spring 2025 I 08 Activity | All' and '08 Activity | By cohort'.

The two folders provide activity counts of various groups and cohorts that have had the vaccine administered or declined etc. The percentage column gives practices a quick way to see percentage of each cohort vaccinated throughout the season.