To locate the template go to Auto-Consultation > ardens CONDITIONS CARDIOVASCULAR PAD

If the patient has a current diagnoses, click the icon below the patients name & address in the demographics box.

Save this template for quick access by adding to F12 favourites.

The template has the following tabs available; Home, Diagnosis, Review, Referral, Notes and Resources.


The Home tab displays a summary of relevant patient medical history and alerts.  


The numerical fields for ABPI readings can be used to view any historical data by clicking in to the required field, the information will be displayed in the yellow pane to the right side of the template. You can also manually add data by typing in to the required field.  There is also a link to the Pulses & Doppler template if needed.


Tick to code the relevant diagnoses.


The read code browser gives access to Bypass/graft of artery codes only, making it easier to locate the required code.


There are a wealth of links to other templates if needing to record other information such as Vitals & Lifestyle information, Wound Management and Pulses & Doppler

The BP, HR & Average home BP fields can be used to view historical data by clicking in to the field, the results will be displayed in the yellow pane to the right of the template. Or use these boxes to code data manually.

Again there are links to other useful templates such as Hypertension screening or BP Monitoring.

Target Values will again show historical data for the patient but also their specific targets for BP, HbA1c, Cholesterol.

There is a HBPM Diary available to print out:

Screening templates for AF & CHD are also linked if needed for convenience.


There are presets available along side the Plan free text box for frequently typed text, click on the preset button (notepad icon) and add 1 or multiple lines of text by pressing & holding Ctrl on the keyboard and using mouse to select. The text can be edited once added to the template.

Any lifestyle or CVD secondary prevention advice can be documented by ticking the appropriate boxes, click on the little pencil icon to add your own text alongside.


There is a link to the Peripheral Arterial Disease Formulary.

The Leaflet hyperlink opens a PDF for advice on exercise:


The DOAC Monitoring template can also be accessed if required.

The little icons in the bottom right of the main template are shortcuts to other useful SystmOne functions or Ardens templates:


Contains links with information that can be sent to a patient via text/email by copying & pasting the link in to Send Message.