To access the Depression template either go to Auto-Consultation > ARDENS MENTAL HEALTH and select the Depression template; or if a patient already has a Depression Diagnosis, you can access the template from the relevant icon from under the patients demographic box.

The Depression template is split between 6 tabs; Home, Diagnosis, Review, Referral, Notes and Resources.


The Home tab will give you access to the different tabs by using the hyperlinks on the top left hand side.  You also have access to a summary of relevant patient medical history.  Please see our Home Page Support Guide for more information.


The Diagnosis tab allows you to tick any relevant symptoms the patient might be experiencing highlighting both the guidance to follow as well as the core symptoms.  Once you have selected any symptoms that the patient might be experiencing a diagnosis can be selected from Sub Threshold Depressive Symptoms, which will add the non QOF Symptoms of Depression code to the record to the mild, moderate and severe Depression QOF Diagnosis codes. 

Also on the Diagnosis tab the HADS and PHQ2/9 scored assessment templates are available along with a link to Risk of Harm to Self template.


The Review tab is split between three sections Assessment, Impression and Management.  

The Assessment section has the QOF Interim Review Code and a note detailing the 10-56 days review dates.  The Red Star next to the tick box denotes that this is a QOF Code.  During the assessment there are many links to other templates as well as code drop down boxes to aid a thorough review of the patient.  Numerous scored assessment options, a Mood Diary and a BP reading can also be entered on the template.  

Please note: when clicking on any of the drop down options, on the right hand side you can see if any of the codes have been entered on the patients record previously along with a date when this was added, on the screenshot above, the smoking code list was selected and a view of previous smoking codes are visible on the right.  When a read code is selected a pencil box lights up next to the code, this will allow you to write any free text that you wish to link to the code if required.

The Impression section allows you to select the relevant control code such as mood stable or elevated mood.  The depression resolved code is also available in this list.

The Management section allows you to create a patient care plan along with reviewing medication. Both the Care Plan and Crisis plan sections are free text boxes with some available pre-sets using the paper icon next to the pencil.  Any notes added in these sections will populate in the New Care Plan at the bottom of the template.  To produce a Care Plan adding in the plan notes, you will need to OK the template and reopen to have todays notes added to the Care Plan. Please see Using Care Plans Support Article for more detail.


The Referral tab allows you to select certain referral codes for the patient and is split between Adult and Paediatrics. An action option is available at the bottom to consider if the criteria has been met for the patient.  If using our Ardens Pro package, relevant referral letter may be available under the Orange Arrow on the Patient Demographics box.  For more detail please click here. 


From the notes page allows you to free type any review notes you wish to add to the patients record. You can also set set Ideas, Concerns and Expectations if necessary.


The Resources tab has patient relevant website hyperlinks that can be printed, emailed or text to the patient. Please see our Using the Resources Tab Support article for more information.


For useful Depression reports go to Reporting > Clinical Reporting > click on the Ardens Ltd Folder and select Conditions | Mental Health.