Last review date 31/03/2023

This is an extremely useful template, not only does it allow you to generate a new Med3 certificate, you can also view previous certificates issued.

It also contains pre-typed patient letters and Department for Work & Pensions forms such as PIP & ESA113.

There is a Fitness to fly in pregnancy letter and a travel summary listing current medications and vaccinations given.

Incoming scanned patient letters and outgoing letters from the practice such as referrals can also be viewed using this template.  For example if needing to look at a hospital letter whilst using a template, you can do this without having to close the template and look in 'Communications & Letters'.

The template can be located in the following ways:

  • Embedded within most templates including General Consultation at the bottom within the 'management' section
  • Auto-Consultations > ardens GENERAL > Med3 & Letters
  • Use the search bar bottom left of SystmOne

If using the template on a regular basis, add to F12 Favourites for quick access.

There are tabs at the top of the template, navigate to the required tab.

Med3 & Patient Letters

The bottom view panel shows previous med3 and outgoing letters.  These can be viewed by right-clicking on the relevant option and select view image or view content.

To generate a new Med3 certificate click the med3 button, as the top of the template. This will open the SystmOne Med3 template to complete as usual which can also be sent electronically.  Please see our Sending MED3 notes electronically  to send Electronic MED3 electronically.

All, Incoming, Outgoing Tabs

These tabs allow you view incoming or outgoing letters which you would normally find in the Referral or Communications & Letters node on the clinical tree. 


Select the letter you wish to view and right click. The options are the same as if you were using Communications & Letters.