Last review date 03/02/2023
The 'Risk of Harm to Self & Others' template can be accessed from:
- Any of the Mental Health consultation templates
- Auto Consultations > Ardens Scores H to Z > Risk of Harm to Self & Others
- The yellow triangle symbol
under the patients name
On this template you can perform a risk assessment and there are some useful links to the 'Decisions & Mental Capacity' and 'Mental Health Act' templates.
You can also print out a 'Safety Care Plan' for the patient to help them identify early warning signs and to assist them in coping with their suicidal or DSH feelings. There are also some useful contact details at the bottom of this care plan.
A report has been setup for practices to review patients previously coded as a risk, this report can be found at:
Reporting > Clinical Reporting > Ardens Ltd > Conditions | Mental Health > Alerts
Any patients that the GP considers are no longer a risk should be coded as such from the template. For example if previously coded as suicidal (if no longer appropriate) should be coded as 'Low Suicide Risk or 'No Apparent Risk of Suicide' which will remove them from the relevant reports.