Last review date 16/12/2022

Patients signed up for SystmOnline can book any appointment that is listed. Practices can post instruction messages at the top as below. For further information about setting this up, please see here.

What the Patient Can See and Do

Booking an Appointment

Log in to SystmOnline and then go to Appointments > Book Appointment .This first page is a list of rotas with available appointments. The session type is taken from the rota which is worth remembering when new rotas are created or existing rotas edited. Click on 'View' to be taken to the slots.

The patient can then choose an appointment and click 'Book' 

The next screen is a confirmation screen. The patient can enter a reason for booking the appointment which displays on the appointment screen as a comment and then can click 'Book Appointment'.

Cancelling an Appointment

Go to Appointments > Future Appointments and you will see a list of all booked appointments. Click Cancel > Cancel this appointment

Mobile App - Appointments

From the App home screen menu click on Appointments at the bottom (you can see in this example the patient has 1 booked appointment already, indicated by the red circle) 

Booking an Appointment

Click the '+' top right (on the screen above) and then on this screen select any date that has a dot below it, this indicates that there are available appointments. Then select the preferred time slot below and finally click 'Book'.

Cancelling an Appointment

From the 'App' home screen click 'Appointments'. Details of the appointment will be displayed and, if you wish to cancel click on the appointment date. This will take you to the appointment details screen, click 'Cancel'.