The CVD Prevention template can be accessed through Auto-Consultation> ardens CONDITIONS CARDIOVASCULAR > CVD PREVENTION, by selecting the heart icon in the demographics box or by searching in the bottom left-hand corner of SystmOne. 


The Home tab will give you access to the different pages of the template (classification, primary and secondary prevention etc), as well as a summary of relevant medical history for the patient. Please see our Home Tab Support Article for more information. 


This page allows you to accurately classify a patients Risk.

At the bottom of the page, a patient view is added in order to check the patients medical history and suggest relevant risk factors.

CVD Primary Prevention

This page can be used for Primary CVD prevention reviews. The template is split into 4 sections; Assessment, Risk, Impression and Management.   

In the Assessment section, the first drop down box allows you to code the high risk review.  This box is only available to use of the patient has a CVD Primary Prevention High Risk code added to their record from the previous Classification tab.

Patient vitals can also be recorded in this section such as BP readings, HR and Pulse along with other vitals if necessary.  You can also print or send a HBPM Diary if required.  

There are also options to see HbA1c, cholesterol and lipid readings.  These can be viewed by clicking into the relevant numerical box and the previous results will be presented on the right side of the template.  

The Phlebotomy Template can also to accessed from the template to either order bloods or view previous blood results in a tabular view without having the leave the template. 

The Risk Section allows you to record the CVD risk code.

Please note:  This template has stars added next to some options. The Red Stars are QOF code options and Yellow Stars are Local Enhanced Services.

The Impression section allows you to record the Low or High CVDPP risk codes.

The Management section allows you to record any management codes along with access to the relevant drug formulary, medication review codes and the ability to create a CVD Care Plan.  These next steps will light up if the High CVDPP risk code is ticked in the Impression section.

Please Note: The care plan will only auto-populate with the information you have just entered if you click 'OK' to the template first - then re-open the template and click on the care plan option, click write now which then opens the care plan in Word populating the letter with the patients up to date information.  Selecting Save Final Version will then lock the Care Plan.  

CVD Secondary Prevention

The Secondary Prevention tab allows you to record the relevant review codes, along with vital numerics and any CHD, CHF and PAD codes if applicable for the patient. Next to each of these codes are shortcuts to applicable templates to record more information if required.

The Management Section allows you to record any advice and lifestyle codes along with medication reviews and formularies and a Care Plan similar to the process in the Primary Prevention tab as explained above.

Online Tab

This will allow you add any online codes as well as any questionnaires completed.

Notes Tab

If any History, Examination or Plan notes need to be recorded into the patients record the Notes tab allows you to free text information into the patients record.

Resources Tab

For access to any patient resources for CVD Prevention go into the resources tab and either print / text or email resources direct to the patient. Please see our Using the Resources Tab Support article for more details.

Useful Reports

To view some useful Ardens Reports go to Clinical Reporting - Ardens Ltd - Conditions | Cardiovascular