Ardens have created a large number of templates to assist with a possible diagnosis should a patient present with specific symptoms.

A full directory of these templates can be found by going to Auto-Consultation > ardens POSSIBLE CONDITIONS

Any of these can be saved to F12 favourites for quick access.  

Each template lists presentations, possible risk factors, any red flags and relevant scored assessment tools you may need.

The Management section at the bottom provides guidance on potential investigation required, follow-up or referral with links to the relevant templates in order to action.

Initially the options within this section are 'greyed out' and are dependant on the boxes that have been ticked within the Impression section. Once ticked the appropriate Management steps will become active (see 2nd screenshot).

Management becomes active once relevant boxes ticked within Impression section:

As with all Ardens templates the coding can be added via the labelled drop downs or tick boxes and relevant templates embedded alongside each of these to access other useful tools or add anything more specific for that particular heading, which saves having to exit the current template and find another. 

As the screenshot above shows, Phlebotomy will allow you to view recent blood test results and also gives access to adding a new request via New Electronic Pathology Request (blue bottle icon).

Radiology will all also show any recent Radiology results and again has a link to add a new request via the blue bottle icon.

If your practice needs to use a paper referral form instead and you are using Ardens Pro package, there is also a link to Communications to access your local referral form.


Contains links with information that can be sent to a patient via text/email by copying & pasting the link in to Send Message